Sunday, August 11, 2019

Cyber crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cyber crime - Essay Example DDos works by first downloading a free internet software called Low Orbit Ion Canon (LOIC) as a "destructive cyber weapon". Once downloaded, â€Å"the LOIC could be used to attack by sending internet traffic to a target computer†¦When the volume of traffic sent to a computer becomes too much for it to handle it would suffer a denial of service. The more LOICs used, therefore, to attack a target computer, the more likely that a denial of service will take place † (Laville, 2012). The irony of the hackers Anonymous is that they do not see themselves as criminals but rather online activists or hacktivists who conduct their protest by bringing a site down through DDos or other methods to teach them a lesson for whatever reason they can think of. Impact of Cybercrime on worldwide justice systems The advent and proliferation of cybercrime â€Å"forced† worldwide justice systems to adapt to crimes committed in the internet and institute laws in order to combat and prosecu te them. As criminals became sophisticated, justice systems have to be responsive as well in order to arrest and prosecute cyber criminals. ... irus which was sent through malicious emails in the early 2000 that overwrote the files of those who received them costing billions of dollars in the US and elsewhere in the world. While the culprit was known to be in the Philippines, authorities cannot do anything to arrest the individual due to the lack of laws to prosecute the person. This incidence and other crimes facilitated in the internet such as fraud, human trafficking, terrorism prompted the legislative body of such country to craft a law to combat cyber crime. Albeit delayed, the Philippine legislature crafted a Cybercrime Act 9225 and was implemented this year (although a Temporary Restraining Order was issued against it) because of this incidence and other crimes done through internet. The proliferation of cybercrime made governments worldwide to acknowledge the digital space as a medium where cyber criminals can facilitate their illicit activities. The process to combat global cyber crime According to Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI, the best way to combat the global cyber crime is through international cooperation. To effectively counter the threat of cyber crime, â€Å"FBI is working closely with international law enforcement agencies to fight cyber criminals (FBI). The Department of Homeland Security also agreed that collaboration is needed to enhance cyber security not only among countries but also among sectors to protect critical digital infrastructures from digital malfeasance (Homeland Security, nd). To facilitate this international cooperation and collaboration an international conference was held in Fordham University in New York City this year which was attended by over 400 participants from 37 countries. Delegates from various sectors also attended from international counterparts ranging

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